Whole30- Week 2 Complete



Two weeks ago, I embarked on my Whole30- and honestly, I’m like a vegan now (except exactly the opposite in terms of eating habits)- I can’t tell enough people how great I am already feeling and how awesome this program is.

Just how great am I feeling you ask? Well I’ll tell you.

First of all, I’m already down seven pounds. People who have already done Whole30 are yelling at me right now like- You’re not supposed to weigh yourself until the end! I know I know. But I needed a little bit of motivation last week (Side story- my dad and husband ate a pizza AND meatball parmigiana hero right in front of my face while I was eating a salad) and this DEFINITELY HELPED. I can tell I’ve lost a couple inches too although I haven’t measured myself because I was able to fit into a pair of jean shorts yesterday that I literally haven’t worn in two years… Not quite sure why I held on to them if I didn’t fit into them but that’s not the point.

Second- I’m feeling way more energetic. I don’t feel like I need a sugar pick-me-up at 3pm every day and just my one cup of coffee in the morning is sufficient. I haven’t even been going to bed earlier. Jon gets home at 11 or so after work, so we usually stay up until midnight and I get up at my usual 6:30am. I’m less sluggish during the day and more focused as well.

I am eating until I’m satisfied- which is sooner than it used to be! Part of the point of Whole30 is that you are eating foods full of fiber and eliminating foods that interfere with your body’s natural satiety hormones (leptin and glucagon) which are responsible for telling your brain where to distribute nutrients and when to consume. This seems to have taken full effect at this point which is pretty exciting to me.

Last but not least, I am wayyyy less bloated. That was one of my biggest motivators for starting this program in the first place and I am happy to report, Whole30 is definitely working on that front.

Week 3 here I come and still going strong!

Win of Week 2: Resisting cake AND mac and cheese AND alcohol at our BBQ on Sunday!

Strugglemuffins of the week- I really wanted bread or rice soooo bad Thursday and Friday. I had a complete meltdown on Friday night and told Jon I was going to quit but he was really supportive and encouraged me to keep going.

Feel free to share your favorite Whole30 recipe in the comments! Thanks for reading!

North of Wrigley (1)

5 thoughts on “Whole30- Week 2 Complete

  1. Sincerely, Hil says:

    I’m actually quite curious about this! My eating habits have consisted of pub food, burgers, ice cream and alcohol over the summer so needless to say I’m feeling a bit sluggish. Your second week results are quite inspiring and it seems like you’re feeling positive about it which is also a good sign it’s working for you! I’ll definitely have to look into it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • northofwrigley says:

      Definitely! I’d recommend reading It Starts with Food before you start- if you don’t mind a bit of the sciencey stuff, it goes really in depth about why they choose to eliminate certain foods for the program. I’m already planning a second one with a friend in January!

      Liked by 1 person

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